Charitable Giving Resource Center

Welcome to the University of Massachusetts Law Charitable Giving Resource Center.

Growing private support is essential to ensuring that UMass Law continues to thrive.

Who We Are

UMass Law is backed by a robust network of donors committed to supporting the pursuit of justice and public education, inspired by the work of our faculty, and passionate about the talent and potential of UMass Law students. Donors can become part of this community in several ways:

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Give to one or more of the UMass campuses

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Donate stocks, taking advantage of tax and other financial benefits


Establish a planned or estate gift

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Make an in-kind gift of valuable property

Examples include artwork, first editions, or other private assets in support of the university

UMass Law's professional advancement team is available to help donors explore these and other options for wealth management and to administer gifts with expertise, while honoring their intention and confidentiality in service of a stronger UMass Law.

The University of Massachusetts Foundation, Inc. (the "Foundation") provides investment support for UMass Law. Funds invested by the Foundation come from many donors — alumni, friends, students, and other advocates — who are committed to helping UMass Law sustain its mission and grow private support so it continues to thrive.

Why We are Providing these Resources

These resources are provided to help you:

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clients about the benefits of planned giving, such as tax deductions, income streams, and estate planning.

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the best planned giving options for each client, such as bequests, trusts, annuities, or donor-advised funds.

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clients with The University of Massachusetts Foundation, Inc. and facilitate the donation process.